Archive for the ‘Red Baron’ Category

rb_steamA RED Baron Pack has been released on Steam fr $9.99. It includes both the original Red Baron and the Red Baron 3D releases.

I just tried the Red Baron 3D and it works really well – just click on “Glide” in the settings to get slightly better graphics 🙂

A NEW Red Baron!

on November 15, 2013 in News, Red Baron | No Comments »

New Red Baron“Red Baron is back! The best dogfighting flight sim of all time returns from Damon Slye, the original creator of Red Baron.” This is what we found on a Kickstarted site after LW_Ronin forwarded us a link to the amazing news recently. And while myself and many of the Lone Wulffe have contributed, this is what I found when I checked in at the Mad Otter Games Kickstarter Campaign site today:

Greetings Backers and Red Baron fans,

As some of you have noticed and mentioned, the Kickstarter for Red Baron hasn’t been quite as successful as we had hoped. We are a new to crowdfunding, and in turn the Red Baron campaign didn’t quite reach as many ears as we needed.

That being said, we are going to cancel the Kickstarter campaign… for now. We will still be moving forward with Red Baron with the plans to relaunch the campaign early next year.

In the next few months we will be honing our message and vision, along with improving Red Baron based on the feedback we received from all of you.

What we need you to do is help us grow awareness and community. If we want Red Baron to succeed then we need to get the word out. We will be doing our part, improving Red Baron, but we need your help as well. Please tell friends, invite others to one of our social platforms, share us, tweet us, whatever it is that you do, please do it!

So I am posting this, and if there’s anything anyone else can do to get the word out, by all means do so! I will do my best to keep you posted (a little better than I have been of late…)

Iron CrossVery happy to report the return to active duty of pilots Nidan and Dumbo – welcome back gentlemen!

I’ve also made several updates to the site, including new information and downloads on the Red Baron Resources page – links to graphics, wrappers and sim downloads; and I’ve also made quite a few additions to the Rise of Flight Resources page as well, including additional squadron skins, historical skins, a keyboard reference map and an excellent AI Mod.

Finally, I’ve added several important historical and sim-related links.

The site, and squad; I’m proud to report, are coming together nicely.

Pilots WingsVery happy to report the return to active duty for the following pilots:

– Amish (flying ROF)
– Fish (flying ROF)
– Flozzie (flying ROF)
– Hoss (soon to fly ROF)
– Ronin (flying RB)

S! Jupes

Red Baron 3DWell it has been almost nine years since we’ve had a website up, and it feels good to have a home once again for the squad members.

In addition to our news page, we’ve added a gallery (look for more albums in the gallery soon!), a resources section and the “Wulffe Den” forum – you are welcome to register and join in the discussions.

Come on in, kick off your boots, grab a cold one and join us.

The Lone Wulffe squadron, organized on December 28, 1998, is a virtual combat squadron consisting of a group of friends who have been flying the skies over the Western Front for well over 13 years.

Our pilots fly in either Red Baron, or more recently; Rise of Flight.